A question we are often asked is whether you should get your car detailed during Winter?
The answer is an emphatic YES!
Winter is actually the MOST important time to keep up the maintenance of your prized possession or prepare your car for sale properly.
With higher winds and rain, more contamination is embedded into your car. Any chemical from the atmosphere brought in by the rain itself will cling to the surface of your car. There is also a substantially greater degree of road grime that is flicked up onto the paintwork from our freshly lubricated road system. Those months of sun have left a layer of oil, brake fluid, dust, grit and grime that is propelled onto the surface of your car thanks to those mighty winter rains.
Apart from the exterior, the interior of your car cops a considerable beating with wet shoes, wet clothes, open windows, and atmospheric moisture determined to ruin your leather or fabric.
What about Pre – Sale?
A wet car with no ‘bead factor’ or water repellency is a dead give away of a poorly cared for vehicle. Our used car market is tough and an astute buyer will pick this from a mile away. Top that of with a dirty interior that suddenly smells like mould from recent grubby feet and water infiltration and your car is right at the bottom of Perth’s most least desirable.
So can you detail in the wet?
Yes we can… but it’s a little different.
For mobile service your detailer will request some undercover area – a car port, garage etc is just fine. While we can (and will) wash in the rain, we will need a little under cover area to complete the polishing (remember bead factor) and bring that interior back to life and remove wet odours.
Winter season is the ideal time to book into our workshop if you don’t have access to under cover area.